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TestEquity Environmental Chamber Instruction Manuals

These manuals are the most recent versions for the models shown. The currently shipping version for new chambers is the last manual listed for each model.

Contact us for the correct manual if you have any special options, custom versions, if the version of your chamber does not exactly match these documents, or if you require schematics.

Chamber Manuals

Model 105 Half Cube Temperature Chamber (discontinued)
With Series 96 Controller only
With Series 96 Controller and SD Limit

Model 101H Temperature/Humidity Chamber
Current Version (s/n 1100135 and above with external water recirculation system, includes F4T instructions)
Older Version (s/n 1100134 and below with internal water recirculation system, includes F4T instructions)

Model 105A Half Cube Temperature Chamber (discontinued)
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit

Model 106 Temperature Chamber
Current Version plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 107 Temperature Chamber
With F4 Controller and SD Limit
Current Version plus download separate F4T or Current Version plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 115 Temperature Chamber (discontinued version)
With F4 Controller and SD Limit
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit

Model 115A Temperature Chamber
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit (S/N 151983 and below)
Current Version (S/N 151984 and above) plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 115A-EX Temperature Chamber (Export version)
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit (S/N 151995 and below)
Current Version (S/N 151996 and above) plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 123C Temperature Chamber
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit (with Copeland Compressors)
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit (with Tecumseh Compressors)
Current Version (S/N 330218 and above) plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 123H Temperature/Humidity Chamber
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit (S/N 230191 and below)
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit (S/N 230192 and above with Copeland Compressors)
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit (S/N 230192 and above with Tecumseh Compressors)
Current Version (S/N 230232 and above) plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 123HS Temperature/Humidity Chamber
Current Version plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 140 Temperature Chamber
With F4 Controller and SD Limit
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit
Current Version (S/N 140480 and above) plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 155 Temperature Chamber
Current Version (includes F4T instructions)

Model 1007C Temperature Chamber
With F4 Controller and 97 Limit (older than mid-2003, without condensate drain)
With F4 Controller and 97 Limit (after mid-2003, with condensate drain)
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit
Current Version (S/N 11157 and above) plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 1007H Temperature/Humidity Chamber
With F4 Controller and 97 Limit
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit (S/N 61594 and below)
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit (S/N 61595 and above)
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit (S/N 61745 and above)
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit (S/N 61759 and above)
Current Version (S/N 61769 and above) plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 1007S Temperature Chamber
With F4 Controller and 97 Limit (older than mid-2003, without condensate drain)
With F4 Controller and 97 Limit (after mid-2003, with condensate drain)
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit
Current Version (S/N 30511 and above) plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 1016C Temperature Chamber
Current Version plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 1016H Temperature/Humidity Chamber
Current Version plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 1016H-2 Temperature/Humidity Chamber
Current Version plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 1016S Temperature Chamber
Current Version plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 1020C Temperature Chamber (discontinued)
With F4 Controller and 97 Limit

Model 1020S Temperature Chamber (discontinued)
With F4 Controller and 97 Limit

Model 1027C Temperature Chamber
With F4 Controller and 97 Limit
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit
Current Version (S/N 50625 and above) plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 1027H Temperature/Humidity Chamber
Current Version plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 1027S Temperature Chamber
With F4 Controller and 97 Limit
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit
Current Version (S/N 70319 and above) plus download separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 1207C Temperature/Humidity Chamber (discontinued)
With F4 Controller and 97 Limit

Model 3007C FastRate Temperature Chamber
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit
Current Version (S/N 40202 and above) plus separate F4T or F4 Controller manual

Model 3007-LN2 TurboRate Temperature Chamber (LN2-only version without compressors)
Current Version plus separate F4T General Instruction and F4T Cascade Control Addendum

TE-3016C Fast Rate Temperature Chamber 

Operation and Service Manual (Serial Number 80001 and above)
Download F4T Controller Manual

Model TEC1 Thermoelectric Temperature Chamber
TEC1 S /N 0100221 and below; TEC1-001 S/N 1100167 and below
Current Version (S/N 0100222 and above, TEC1-001 S/N 1100168 and above)

Model 201H, 205H, 210H Temperature/Humidity Chamber (discontinued)
With F4 Controller and EZ-Zone Limit

Controller Manuals

F4T Touch Screen Controller User's Guide (Revision 04:06 and higher Firmware only)
F4T Touch Screen Controller User's Guide (Revision 04:05 and higher Firmware only)
F4T Touch Screen Controller User's Guide (Revision 03:06 and higher Firmware only)
F4T Touch Screen Controller User's Guide (Revision 03:0 through 03:05 Firmware only)
F4T Touch Screen Controller User's Guide (Revision 02 Firmware only)

F4T Touch Screen Controller Cascade Control Addendum (Revision 04:05 and higher Firmware only)
F4T Touch Screen Controller Cascade Control Addendum (Revision 03:06 and higher Firmware only)

F4 Temperature Controller User's Manual
F4 Temperature/Humidity Controller User's Manual
F4 Controller (From Watlow, for reference only, setup examples DO NOT APPLY! See manual above for TestEquity-specific instructions)

96 Temperature Controller (discontinued)
97 Limit Controller (discontinued)
SD Limit Controller (discontinued)
EZ-Zone Limit Controller (currently used on all models that have an independent limit controller)
EZ-Zone Temperature Controller (used on Model TEC1 only)

GPIB Interface Manuals

ICS 4809A-4899A GPIB Converter (see TestEquity-specific instructions below)
TestEquity Programming for Option 0003 & 1052 GPIB Converter

TE-1055 (ICS 8099) Ethernet Interface Manuals
ICS 8099 Ethernet Converter (see TestEquity-specific instructions below)
TestEquity Programming for Option 1055 Ethernet Converter

TE-1056 (ICS 9099) Ethernet Interface Manuals

ICS 9099 Ethernet Converter (see TestEquity-specific instructions below)
TestEquity Programming for Option 1056 Ethernet Converter

Vaisala Humidity Sensors

Vaisala HMM30C Humidity Sensor (discontinued)
Vaisala HMM100 Humidity Sensor