- Description
- Specifications
- Documents
SW-Go-LLB Laser Lock Box Upgrade
- 1 mHz to 30 MHz demodulation frequency
- Up to 10 MHz scan frequency
- 2 input channels, 2 output channels
- Adjustable filter from 260.1 Hz to 2.516 MHz
- 2 integrated PID controllers for fast and slow feedback
- Demodulation source: Internal or external LO
- API support: Python, MATLAB, LabVIEW
The Moku:Go Laser Lock Box enables you to lock a laser's frequency to a reference cavity or atomic transition using high-performance modulation locking techniques. The Laser Lock Box includes a "Lock Assist" feature, enabling the user-defined locking process to quickly lock to any zero-crossing on the demodulated error signal. With the Laser Lock Box application, Moku:Go is the most cost-effective laser-locking tool on the market.
Maintain frequency lock with two PID controllers
Individually configure high- and low-bandwidth PID controllers for fast and slow feedback
Scan waveforms
Positive sawtooth, negative sawtooth, triangle
Post-demodulation filtering
Filter demodulated signals with up to fourth order infinite impulse response low-pass filters: Butterworth, Chebyshev, Chebyshev II, Elliptic, Cascaded, Gaussian, Bessel, Legendre
Lock Assist
Configure custom locking stages to enable Lock Assist, allowing you to lock on to any zero-crossing in the demodulated error signal
Onboard oscilloscope
Probe within the signal processing chain to observe signals with the integrated 125 MSa/s oscilloscope
Stabilize a laser's frequency to a reference cavity or atomic transition
Supported locking techniques include Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) locking, heterodyne offset phase-locking, RF locking, and dither locking
Flexible configuration of the demodulation source
Demodulate signals with internal or external local oscillators